Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Cambry 5 Years

Our first born turned 5! She is the sweetest little 5 year old ever. I loved her the moment she was born but somehow as I get to know more of who she is I love her more and more.

She goes to PreK 3 days a week 9am-2pm and does gymnastics after school once a week. She is getting really good at writing her letters. She is also starting to do some simple addition. She has a great memory and picks things up quickly.

Cambry is such a sweetheart. She is a great helper, and a wonderful big sister. She loves to please. She is so smart and has the best imagination. She loves to talk. Her stories about made up characters (lately it is Pearly, Everly, Tulip, and Kristally) go on and on and on. She is a rule follower and likes others to know and follow the rules as well. She is a perfectionist, especially when it comes to drawing and crafts. Although it is ironic (and adorable) that she says "perfec". She does NOT like for her hands to be dirty/sticky/messy. She will find a way to eat almost anything with a fork and always requires a napkin with a little "wet water". She is still very opinionated about clothes. Sometimes when I try to get her to wear something she doesn't want to she will give the excuse "I'm just not used to that". She is a picky eater but has actually gotten a little better lately. She is also a super slow eater. Mainly because she likes to cuddle at the table and create a "loveseat" with her chair and whoever she is sitting next to while playing I Spy and the animal guessing game. She shares a room with Lainey and they go to bed between 7:30 and 8. Cambry likes to hear real life stories before bed and then after we tuck her in she stalls by asking to do chores.

Our girl likes to play with dollhouse people, can spend hours playing with her magnets and stickers (arranging the characters and making up stories of course), likes to draw and do crafts, likes to play outside on her bike, and loves anything involving princesses. 

Here are the questions I have asked her the last couple of years. Her answers haven't changed that much from last year.

Favorite color: purple, pink, and teal

Favorite food: peanut butter and jelly, and chocolate

Favorite movie: Frozen

Favorite thing to do with Daddy: Snuggle and cuddle (she also loves to wrestle him)

Favorite thing to do with Mommy: help mommy cook and be mommy's little helper

Favorite thing to do with Lainey: play and dress up

Favorite thing to do with Colon: play the game where I take his lovie back and forth and he laughs

Favorite toy: dresser and treasure box

Favorite store: ToysRUs

What do you want to do when you grow up: help mommy cook

Favorite princess: Anna, Elsa, Aurora, Ariel, and Rapunzel

Favorite animal: pony and unicorn

Happy Birthday sweet Cambry! We love you!

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