Tuesday, December 27, 2016

First Woodlands Christmas

This was the first Christmas in our new home and it was the best ever. Christmas as a kid is magical, but Christmas with kids is just as much fun. I enjoy seeing the kids' excitement and joy over everything. It was a wonderful time to spend together as a family. 

I have 2 friends who both lost a child this year and I think about them often. I kept thinking how hard and painful the holidays must be for them. Although this Christmas was wonderful for us this year, we might not have a joyful Christmas every year. Some may be filled with pain. I have been continually thankful this holiday season that I am surrounded by family. Especially these 3 that make Christmas SO MUCH FUN. 

We had planned to go to the 6pm Christmas Eve service at church but over the last few days Lainey and Colton had gotten bad coughs and runny noses. So we decided to stay home instead.

Our neighbors have the tradition of decorating sugar cookies on Christmas Eve with their grand daughters and they invited the kids to join. I took Cambry since the littles were a bit sick.

Each year on Christmas Eve the neighbors on our cul-de-sac put luminaries out, set up a fire pit and all gather round and hang out. They started setting up in the late afternoon. I listened to Christmas music while I prepped a breakfast casserole and watched the neighbors and kids playing outside.  It was the perfect Christmas Eve.

At dark we went outside and spent a little time with the neighbors. All Colton wanted to do was walk straight toward the fire pit. When it was almost bed time we changed the kids into their jammies, brought the hot chocolate, and set off to look for Christmas lights. When we got back home 2 out of 3 were asleep.

Christmas morning Cambry woke up first and then stayed in the play room patiently waiting for Lainey to wake up.When Lainey finally woke up we let them come in the living room to see what Santa brought. Then we waited for Gigi, Pa, and Ashley to arrive so we could eat breakfast together and then open gifts,

We took our time opening the presents. Cambry loved playing with her new toys so much that she was perfectly content to not continue opening gifts. So we actually saved a couple gifts for the next day because she was so busy.

My parents and Ashley left around lunch time. We let the kids play outside a little (it was about 80 degrees!) and then later that afternoon we headed over to my parents house. We celebrated my mom's birthday with presents, chili (thanks Greg!), and cheesecake.

So thankful for a very Merry Christmas!

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