Friday, February 3, 2017

A Day in the Life: Feb 1, 2017

It's been a long time since I have done a "Day in the Life" post. I'm sure these are boring to everyone except me but I do enjoy looking back and remembering our days. Here is my day on Wednesday.

6:50 AM
I try to wake up before the kids to pray and read but it doesn't happen everyday. I end up sleeping in until about 6:50 am today. Colton wakes up about 10 minutes later. I nurse him and bring him downstairs. The girls wake up soon after. They play for a few minutes and then I start making breakfast.

Greg usually makes a big batch of steel cut oats on Sunday for us to eat throughout the week. Colton and Lainey finally like oatmeal, hooray! If we don't eat oatmeal we usually have eggs. Today is oatmeal day.

7:45 AM
The kids are pretty good about all playing in the playroom while I unload the dishwasher and clean up breakfast.

Cambry gets dressed (we pick out clothes the night before) and I get the littles dressed. I gather her backpack and lunch box and grab my workout bag. I change diapers one last time before we head out the door.

8:50 AM
We leave the house about 8:50 am for preschool drop off. This is actually one of my favorite parts of the day. Everyone is strapped in and I can relax and drink my coffee knowing that we don't have to get out of the car for drop off. It is a pretty drive like most all roads in the Woodlands.

9:15 AM
After drop off we go straight to the YMCA. I am so thankful that it is right by our house. I try a new work out class today while the kids go in child care. The class is hard but good. I pick Colton and Lainey up from child care. Colton's teacher tells me he was very cuddly and that his lovey stinks. Oh shoot I need to wash it ASAP.

11:00 AM
We get home and I feed the littles lunch. We always pack lunches the night before and it makes the day so much easier.

After lunch I read Colton a book and put him down for nap.

Lainey and I play for a bit then I put her down for a nap too. She chats in her room for a while and eventually falls asleep. It is a really nice break when their naps overlap!

12:30 PM
I sit down to relax and enjoy the quiet. I do some things on my phone and read and then I hear a crash in the dining room. One of my plates has fallen off my plate wall. Uggghh. I clean up the mess and then decide to go ahead and vacuum a couple other rugs.

Picture this, minus a plate

1:45 PM
At 1:45 pm it is time to leave to pick up Cambry. This means coffee round 2, woo hoo! I feel bad waking up Lainey and Colton but it is time to go.

We get big sis and it feels good to have the whole crew together again. 

2:15 PM
We get back home and everyone has a muffin snack. These healthy double chocolate banana muffins are one of my favorite recipes to make with ripe bananas. My other favorite is banana "pancakes". I grab Colton's lovie when he is not looking and throw it in with a load of laundry.

3:15 PM
We play for a bit then it is time for a park playdate. I met a mom at a Christmas party in December and we have been meaning to meet up. I was glad to have a play date since we don't know too many people yet.

4:45 PM
We head home around 4:45 pm. I have the kids clean the play room (which means I do most of the cleaning while they wonder around looking at toys) and then I line them up on the couch and turn on a show. I like saving a show for the evening so I can attempt to prepare dinner in peace. It is leftover night and we having BBQ chicken pineapple lettuce wraps. Greg and I often discuss the mystery of why heating up leftovers seem to take almost as long as cooking a meal. Maybe it has to do with the additional sides we give to each kid due to their pickiness.

6:30 PM
After dinner the kids play while we clean up the kitchen. Then it is wrestle-mania. They mostly wrestle with Greg but sometimes they come attack me too.

7:30 PM
Jammies, books, and bed time for all 3 kiddos. Colton now gets warm cow's milk at night instead of nursing. Although he really only drinks a little.

7:45 PM
I make a Kroger run. Sometimes it is just easier to go after the kids go down instead of taking all of them. Although lately I have been trying out click list and I love it! I thought we just needed a few things to finish out the week but somehow I spent $100. Another mystery.

8:30 PM
I get back home, unload groceries, shower, and relax. It was a good day. Night night!

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