Friday, February 10, 2017


A quote by Cambry while playing outside this week...

"If I see an ant, I feel brave, I take a deep breath, I lift my foot, and I smash it!"

We are noticing that little boys come with sound effects. This is something I don't remember from the girls, but Colton is very vocal and makes noises for everything. Any time he is swinging his arms or throwing a ball or banging a toy there are always sound effects. He cracks us up.

I still feel like there are lots of things around the house that I want to buy/decorate for it to feel more put together. My current projects are picking out window coverings for the downstairs and picking a dining room table. The progress is slow.

I have been getting into a workout grove finally. I have been taking several classes at the Y and I love them. Why did I wait so long to do this? I feel so much better when I work out.

Lainey is continuing to talk a lot with her short phrases. She also has gotten really good at independent play. She can stay occupied with dollhouse people or dolls or other toys in the playroom for quite a while. She is also starting to get more into her big sister role. She likes bringing things to Colton and she loves it when she makes him laugh and he tries to copy her. She doesn't always set the best example (jumping on chairs or emptying an entire package of baby wipes to his amusement) but she is a cutie pie.

This is the typical kitchen scene while I cook.

Happy Friday!

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