Sunday, May 7, 2017

Lainey 3 1/2

Our sweet Lainey is 3 1/2. She is loving, affectionate, funny, and silly. Her laugh is contagions. She is continually making progress with her speech and making us smile with all the funny things she says. 

She loves music and singing. She tries to sing the 5 little monkies song often. She likes head shoulders knees and toes, and it especially cracks her up when I sing it at super speed. She loves Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop the Feeling song and will sing "my body" and "sunshine pocket". Sometimes in the car or in her crib at night she will sing to herself and we have no idea what she is singing.

I call this one her "model shot"
She is learning manners and is starting to say thank you or sorry unprompted. Although when she wants something that someone else has, she will start saying all done, meaning YOU are all done.

She still gives the sweetest hugs and kisses.

She is very social and enjoys going to childcare classes and loves therapy. She especially loves one little girl she does therapy with and will always greet her by telling her hi and giving her a hug.

She has been doing private gymnastics lessons for about a month now. Her attention span is short but it is improving. She loves the trampolines and the foam pit the most. She likes attempting her front rolls at home.

Playing with water is one of her favorite things. Baths, the water table, and splash pads are perfect for her. 

She still loves baby dolls and also she likes to play with little doll house dolls. Making messes is a favorite activity too.

She adores dogs. When we were in Phoenix she played with Duma non stop.

She loves to wrestle, especially with Colton. She is very sweet to him and is always willing to share her food and drinks with him. 

Lainey has such beautiful hair. There are perfect little ringlets at the bottom. She has never had her hair cut because I am scared the ringlets won't come back. Occasionally people will ask me if I curl her hair. Nope, all natural! She also has natural highlights that are so pretty.

She does ST 3 times a week and PT once a week plus gymnastics. We are so proud of all her hard work and progress.

Happy half birthday to our beautiful Lainey Reese!!

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