Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Phoenix Vacation

We flew out to Phoenix last week to visit the Kimmels. Our last Phoenix trip was 2 years ago so the girls hardly remembered it and Colton wasn't even born then. This was our first flight with the 5 of us and it went really well. We were so excited for a fun trip!

The kids absolutely adore their cousins (on both sides!) and were so excited to see the Kimmel boys. Colton thought it was the best thing ever to be in a house and backyard filled with only boy toys.

So many kids everywhere

One morning Greg and Cody did a man hike, and we also took a couple group hikes. Time spent preparing to go hiking with kids: 57 minutes. Time spent hiking with kids: 12 minutes. We packed 15 pounds of sippy cups and snacks for probably a .18 mile hike. Haha. But it was still fun!

Look who fell asleep on the strenuous hike!

To recover from all the exhausting hiking we did, we went to a fancy resort one day to use their pool. 

Lauren and Cody's church had a Parents' Night Out while we were there so we dropped the kids off for a few hours and went to dinner and to a coffee shop to play games. It was great to have some good conversation and time together.

We got to go to their church on Sunday morning for the first time. It was neat to see the place that they play such a big role in. And we got to see Cody lead worship as usual and do a fantastic job.

We also went to a splash pad, went to Goldfield Ghost Town where the kids panned for gold and we rode a train, went to a trampoline park, went to a cute ice cream shop in old town Scottsdale, and spent lots of time playing outside and enjoying the nice weather. Lainey was in love with their dog Duma and played with her every chance she got. Cambry stayed with the Kimmels and we stayed in a hotel a few minutes away with Colton and Lainey. The first night was pretty awful but after that the kids slept great! We even put them down at the Kimmels' house twice so we could stay up playing games and then transferred them to the hotel. 

I'm so thankful for such a wonderful trip. I had prayed and prayed that we would all be healthy for the trip and God was so gracious to answer that prayer. There were no urgent care visits either! Lauren and Cody were the sweetest hosts and cooked us lots of yummy meals and even greeted us with a big welcome package full of goodies. We had tons of fun and were all sad to leave. We'll see you at the beach this summer!

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