Monday, May 29, 2017

Mother's Day, Dobbin, and Kids

Mother's Day weekend we bought pool passes and tried out one of the Woodlands pools for the first time. It was enormous and amazing. I am excited to try out more of the pools this summer. The water was still a little chilly so Lainey and Colton did not really enjoy it. Cambry loved it though.

I also got to do a little solo shopping over the weekend. And one evening we went on a long family walk. Then my parents and my aunt came over Sunday and we got Lupe Tortillas to go. I am thankful that I have such a wonderful mother and I am so so thankful to be a mother. I can't imagine life without these 3.

Speaking of moms, my mom usually comes over once a week to hang out with the kids and often lets me go run a couple errands. The kids love their Gigi time. This past week my Dad came too which the kids loved. One week my mom came over wearing a clown nose and brought clown noses for all the kids. It was so cute.

We made a quick trip to Dobbin one Sunday afternoon to see Greg's parents and Aunt and Uncle. The kids always have a blast there running around outside and Greg got to do a little fishing and shooting.

A few weekends ago we did a 6K walk with World Vision to raise money for clean drinking water world wide. We were proud of Cambry for riding her bike the whole way. The littles got pushed in the stroller.

Greg has been fishing the Woodlands lakes in the evenings occasionally trying to find where the fish are. He has been catching them lately and enjoying it. One day Colton will be his little fishing buddy.

Life right now is fun. I am enjoying the little ones and I am thankful to have them all together this summer. I just realized that when Cambry is in school every day in the fall and Lainey is in school 3 days a week, Colton is going to be so sad without them. He loves his sisters and asks about them as soon as he wakes up each morning. I hope he doesn't get too bored while they are gone. I will be missing them too! Here are a bunch of photos that sum up life lately.

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