Monday, May 22, 2017

PreK Graduation

This sweet girl graduated from PreK last week. It has been a great year and I can't believe she will start Kindergarten in the fall. She is definitely ready, but I'm not sure if I am. It makes me sad that her little years at home are over. But I am excited about new adventures for her.

I don't see too much difference in her first day (left) and last day (right) pictures. She is still working on her fake smile, haha.

I am very thankful for all the photos the teachers take throughout the year. It is nice to get to see what goes on during her day. Especially on the days when I ask how her day was and she says "ugghh don't ask!".

They had a short and sweet graduation ceremony that we got to see. Lainey slept through it in the stroller since it was during nap time. Colton was entertained with pouches and raisins. 

We will miss her sweet teachers! Lainey will be at this preschool in the fall and I am hoping she has a great experience too.

Looking forward to a fun summer with these kiddos!

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