Sunday, July 30, 2017

Summer Time: July in Review

July has been just as busy and fun as June!

It started off with a trip to Waco. It had been quite a while since we had been so it was nice to see everyone (except Michelle, we missed you!). The Bryants took us out on their boat and we had a great time. Colton had a panic attack over his life jacket at first, but eventually warmed up to it and actually wanted to get in the water towards the end. Lainey rode in the tube for the first time and loved it.

On Fourth of July our friends, the Gentrys, came to visit us. We avoided the heat and played inside. The kids were so happy to see their girls and we enjoyed visiting with them. That evening we went to a local park where they were having some festivities. We didn't stay for the fireworks but we walked around and let the kids play on the playground.

We have really been enjoying the Woodlands pools on the weekends. It is typical summer heat in Texas so swimming is pretty much the go-to activity. Cambry has enjoyed practicing her swimming skills and Lainey loves floating around in her puddle jumper. Colton has really warmed up to the water too.

Greg took off work on a Friday and we spent a night at La Torretta resort in Conroe. We went with 3 of the families from our old small group. We went with them 3 years ago, and it was so much fun to go again this time with more kiddos in the mix. They have great pools and a lazy river and kid areas. We spent hours and hours out there and the kids loved every minute of it. Us moms even got some girl time after all the kiddos went to sleep. I'm so thankful for these friendships even though we don't live super close anymore.

The kiddos, though missing 2 in this pic

They gave out popsicles in the afternoon and then set up fire pits for s'more roasting in the evening.

 I definitely want to go back next year. We missed all the families who couldn't make it!

This past weekend we went out to dinner and then afterward rode the trolley around. Then we walked around one of the parks we hadn't been to and listened to the music right next to the concert pavilion. We found a cute little maze for kids and enjoyed walking along the waterway. There are so many pretty areas in the Woodlands.

We have had some "summer attitudes" at times lately. Probably due to boredom or lack of schedule or looking forward to school activities. But there are lots of things I do love about summer and am so thankful for all the fun we have had together. I love that it stays light outside late, going to the pools, not having to get up early for school yet, being able to randomly go to the splash pad and Sonic without having a schedule, getting to do the moms group at church, and just enjoying being together. It's been a fun July.

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