Sunday, July 16, 2017

Summer Time: June in Review

We have been having a full and fun summer. At the end of the school year I was wondering if we might be a little bored this summer but we really haven't. We have had lots of fun things going on and also some nice, laid back days.

June was full of activities!

Cambry started swim lessons. They were Monday-Thursday for 2 weeks at the Y. There were a couple days I put Colton and Lainey in child watch during the lesson, but most days I let them swim in the baby pool. Lainey loved it, but Colton either wanted to be held, or just run all around the pool area. By the end of the 2 weeks I was singing hallelujah that lessons were over. Cambry made some good progress and really enjoyed it.

Cambry also started dance lessons. The only extra-curricular activity she has ever done has been gymnastics at her preschool. I wanted to let her try dance to see if she likes it. She is giving me mixed signals so far. But she looks adorable doing it. I love watching little kids dance!

Lainey has continued with her private gymnastics lessons. She is doing well and having fun. Her favorite is the trampoline and the pit. At first it was all I could do to keep Colton off the gym floor during her lesson. But he and Cambry have gotten pretty good at entertaining themselves. They find random items on the side lines and Cambry creates obstacle courses for herself.

Cambry did VBS at our church in June also. She had a great time there. She got super excited to give money to their collection. She has a very sweet and generous heart and is always eager to give money to church.

When we got back from our Galveston beach vacation we came home to see that a rabbit had moved into our backyard. She lives under our deck and Cambry has named her Raleigh Rachel. But let it be known that I am not allowed to call her Ray-Ray or I get fussed at. We feed her carrots and lettuce and apples. We are slightly concerned that she may eat all our nice new grass. But she is cute.

Greg and I went on a date one weekend. It was just a quick dinner but it was fun. We need to do this more often!

We also celebrated Greg's birthday and Father's day. Well, we actually didn't do much for Father's Day...poor Greg. Greg likes to eat BBQ on his birthday (he claims he only gets it once a year, which  is mostly true). Unfortunately the place was closed when we went! So we settled for a nearby Mexican food restaurant. (Side note: we did eat BBQ this weekend to make up for it!) On Father's day our church handed out strips of bacon to the dads which I thought was so awesome. Then on Sunday afternoon we went to our friends' gathering in honor of their son's "Heaven Day". We miss Roane very much and our hearts still break for his family.

Besides all those activities, we have been enjoying the Woodlands pools and parks. There are so many to discover. The heat and mosquitoes are so bad that sometimes it makes playing outside difficult, but we still try to enjoy the outdoors as much as we can.

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