Monday, January 22, 2018

Christmas Morning 2017

Our plan for Christmas morning was that my parents would arrive early in the morning to see the kids open presents. We would hang out for a while then they would head home. Later after naps we would go over to their house for a nice dinner and to celebrate my mom's birthday. Unfortunately on Christmas Eve my mom came down with the flu. My dad had just recovered from having it. It was a huge disappointment for everyone. We ended up doing Christmas with them several days later when she was feeling better.

Though we missed Gigi and Pa, we had a wonderful relaxing Christmas at home. We took our time opening gifts and just enjoying the day being together. When the kids first came downstairs they saw that Santa had brought the girls a Power Wheels and Colton a train table. 

Colton was truly in love with the train table. He actually wasn't interested in opening presents or playing with other toys for the rest of the day. He even told me while I was changing his diaper - I want to play trains all day. When we ate breakfast he insisted on facing his train table.

After our yummy breakfast we opened stockings. Stockings are my favorite part! Cambry was most excited about the invisible ink pen she got (Lainey and Colton got one too).

We had to take a break outside to try the new toy. Lainey is still too nervous to ride in it but hopefully she will want to try it out soon.

 We put wrapping paper on the french doors leading to the playroom where we hid the girls' gift from Gigi and Pa. I took a video (just a screen shot below though) since they weren't there to see the girls reactions. They LOVED their huge new doll house.

We took our time the rest of the morning slowing opening the gifts and letting the kids play with them as they went. It was so much fun.

Then the kids went outside for another surprise from Nana and Pops. So fun!

 The kids played outside later and we enjoyed the rest of the day together. So thankful for a nice Christmas and especially the true celebration of a Savior born for all of us. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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