Thursday, January 18, 2018

Christmas Eve 2017

Christmas Eve fell on a Sunday this year so we went to one of the morning church services. They always need extra help in the children's classes on holidays so Greg and I taught one of the 2 year old classes and Cambry stayed with us as our helper. The kids were sweet and it was fun to love on them. I was sad to miss the Christmas service though! The church had a photographer and a nice set up for Christmas pictures. I love how ours turned out. 

We also took a few pictures at the house. We took the group picture before we left for church (not knowing they would take them at Church) and took the pics of the kids when we got home. My mom always picks out the cutest Christmas outfits for them. Ahhh they are just too precious!

This picture cracks me up: Cambry's fake smile, Colton's "cheese" face, Lainey's eyes closed. Classic.

After church we quickly changed clothes and walked over to the neighbor's house to join in on cookie decorating. They have a long standing tradition of decorating (tons and tons) of cookies on Christmas Eve. We joined them last year and it was fun to do it again this year. 

In the afternoon we hung around the house and Cambry helped me prep a cinnamon roll casserole and an egg casserole for Christmas morning. 

Our cul-de-sac puts luminaries around the circle on Christmas Eve and sets up a fire pit for neighbors to gather round. After dinner we brought out our chairs and joined a number of neighbors by the fire. The kids had fun running around together, riding scooters, eating cookies, and enjoying the warm fire.

Then we came in and got ready for Santa. Cambry did this whole set up. She set out 2 cookies for Santa, a carrot for his reindeer, a glass of milk, a candy cane, and a to-go bag of 2 cookies for Mrs. Clause. She also left a bunch of notes. How adorable are these?!?! I love it!

For Santa Merry Christmas.

And your reindeer.

One bag for you and your wife.

Remember to share the cookies.

I turned the signs around to take a picture but then turned them back around to face the fireplace just like she set it up. She wanted Santa to be able to read them as soon as he stepped out of the chimney. She thought of every detail. Gosh I love her. Christmas through the eyes of a child is the absolute best.

Then we all went to bed and waited for Santa to come!

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