Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tis the Season

We had such a wonderful month. Our December was full of fun family togetherness. Here is a summary of our festivities.

1) Decorations

We put up our tree early this year and it was so nice to have all the decorations ready before December even started. With 3 little helpers there were quite a number of ornament casualties (which may have caused a little crankiness). They final product still turned out great though.

2) Kendra Scott Night

My parents' church had a benefit shopping night at Kendra Scott. My mom invited me to join her. We had a lot of fun shopping and then joining several other mothers and daughters for a nice dinner afterward. By the way, this was my official Christmas shirt. I think I wore it about twice a week in December. Our church had a ladies Christmas dinner a few nights later that I attended with our small group. I forgot to take a picture but I wore this same thing so this picture pretty much covers both events.

3) Bethlehem City

There is a church in Conroe that has been putting on a drive-thru nativity, called Bethlehem City, for many years. A friend told me about it this year so we tried it out. We put on jammies, picked up some CFA, and got in the long line for Bethlehem City. As you wait in line to enter there are people who hand you hot chocolate, candy canes, and a CD that narrates along the way. We enjoyed seeing how they had set up the various scenes from Jesus's brith to resurrection. 

4) Gingerbread House Making

Greg joked that when I think of decorating gingerbread houses I think of this...

and he thinks of this...


5). The Terrible Maybe-Flu

In early December all of us except Colton got an awful virus. We don't know if it was the flu or not, but the flu has been going around like crazy this year. I am still worried that we will get it (if it was not the flu), or a different strand, since the kids are about to go back to school. Whatever we had was not fun. Greg worked from home for a whole week, the kids missed school, we missed Greg's company Christmas party, we missed seeing the Nutcracker Ballet with friends, and missed my parents coming over to celebrate my birthday. Womp womp womp. My mom was super sweet and dropped by a ton of food from Panera bread for us, and then for my birthday dropped by the birthday cake that Greg had ordered for me. We did end up going over to my parents house a week or so later for a nice dinner and a belated birthday celebration.

6) Waco Comes to Houston / Cambry's Birthday Party

On the bright side of us getting sick, at least it happened early enough in the month that we were all recovered by Cambry's birthday party. Good thing because we enjoyed lots of visitors. Nana, Pops, Aunt Jill, Hollyn, and Anderson all stayed the weekend with us for the party. Then we got a fun surprise visit from Uncle Jameson and Aunt Michelle who were on their way to Houston to see some family. The cousins always have such a great time together.

7) School Christmas Parties

Lainey's school puts on a performance for Christmas where each class takes a turn singing a Christmas song and the oldest PreK class acts out the night of Jesus' birth. Lainey's class sang This Little Light of Mine. Lainey looked adorable. Then they went back to their classroom for a little Christmas party. 


Cambry's class had a Christmas party that the parents were invited to join. They decorated cookies, made crafts, and sang and danced to Christmas songs.

8) Ballet Swan Dance

Cambry's dance studio had a small Christmas party for the kids with lots of sweet treats. Her class put on tutus and performed for the parents their ballet dance that they had been working on for quite a while. Cambry did great!

9) Christmas Trains

Second Baptist church in Houston puts up a huge Christmas train display each year. We went a couple of years ago but the girls didn't remember. Since Colton is obsessed with trains, we were excited to take them all this year. They had a good time seeing the trains and finding all the things on the scavenger hunt sheet they handed out.

10) Old Town Spring

We went into Old Town Spring for dinner one evening and to stroll around. The town was very cute and had lots of Christmas decorations. Unfortunately we came on a Thursday evening and basically everything closes super early during the week so there wasn't anything to do or see. Oh well, next year we will know better!

11) Christmas Baking

Every year I love to make treats and deliver them to the neighbors with our Christmas card. This year the girls joined in to help me bake. We made oreo peppermint crunch cookies. We did lots of taste testing for quality assurance purposes. 

12) White Christmas

We got snow this year! It started snowing late at night but hadn't started sticking when Greg and I went to bed. When we woke up in the morning we were so excited to see a winter wonderland (for Texas, at least)! The Woodlands looked beautiful with all the trees covered in snow. The kids had never seen snow before so it was a fun morning before we headed off to school.

I'll write about our Christmas Eve and morning in a separate post!

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