Monday, February 5, 2018

Meeting Mabel

In January, I had the privilege of flying out to Phoenix to meet my brand new niece, Mabel. She was born on a Monday, and my parents and I flew out on Friday. Lauren and Cody had come home from the hospital by then so we got to spend some good quality time with them.

She is absolutely precious. And she has 3 sweet big brothers to love on her.

Mabel and I got plenty of good snuggle time.

It was fun to spend time with my nephews too. Playing with Wesley is pretty much exactly like playing with Colton. 

We flew in on Lauren's birthday so we enjoyed a yummy cake. Then my mom put together a little (early) birthday celebration for Hayes a couple days later.

One evening the Grosse ladies did face masks. And one day we went to a foot spa. I had never been to one before but it was wonderful.

It was such a nice visit. I was able to help out around the house, relax, and enjoy their company. Meanwhile, Greg was on full time daddy duty taking care of all the things and taking time off work so I could go on this trip.

He even took the kids to buy new light up shoes.

And he made awesome snacks like this. Pin that. Thankfully the kids have not requested any snack art since I returned cause #aintnobodygottimeforthat. 

I'm looking forward to when we can get our whole family together with the Kimmels this summer!

Also, I should add that when I returned to Houston it snowed. They closed schools for 2 days because of the lingering ice! What is going on with 2 snows in one season in Houston?!

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