Sunday, February 18, 2018

Valentines Day 2017

We started the tradition a couple years ago of celebrating valentines day as a family with a fun breakfast at home. We make pink donuts, and have pink milk (or water) and I decorate the table. Greg and I never really made a big deal over valentines day pre-kids, but I love our family tradition and I love having a reason to decorate and make something special out of it. My mom always made holidays so special for us growing up and love carrying on the tradition. Valentines day fell on a Wednesday this year so we did our family breakfast on the Saturday before.

This year was extra fun because Nana and Pops joined us! The kids had so much fun having their grandparents over and getting lots of extra attention. We had a fun weekend with them.

Lainey's class exchanged valentines at school and we brought flowers to her teachers. She was very proud to hold them.

Cambry's class exchanged valentines as well and they each made a box at home to hold their valentines. We bought this cute unicorn box kit at Target but of course had to add a little of our own touches as well.

I'm not sure why I started it, but every year I have taken pictures of the kids for Valentines day. I love how they turned out. I want to scoop them all up and kiss their sweet faces.

 On the night of Valentines after we put the kids to bed I made dinner for Greg and I - steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. He had brought home Gigi's cupcakes that day so we enjoyed those afterward. Then on Friday night my parents offered for the kids to spend the night over there so we could go out. We went to see The Greatest showman at a nice theatre where we sat in recliners and ordered dinner. I loved the movie and I am dying to see it again. Greg doesn't even like musicals really and he thought it was great. After the movie we did some quick shopping at the outlet malls before heading home. It was nice to have a night to ourselves and the kids had a fun slumber party. I should add that the last movie we saw together in a theatre was The Butler. That was 2 kids ago! We should really get out more.

It was a great valentines day/week!

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