She is so funny. She loves bringing stuff in the car. When I called for kids to all come and get in the car to drop Cambry off at school this is how Lainey came. In her pajamas with her robe on and with about 5 stuffed animals in her arms. Although this is nothing compared to how many she sleeps with.
Last week Greg and I had folded a pile of laundry and then got up to do other things. A couple minutes later we see Colton and Lainey throwing clothes everywhere trying to get them to land on the mantle and Lainey had put on my jeans.
Lainey has really started to be interested in books lately. Well, certain ones. Mainly Peppa Pig Books or any of the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series. She loves to look at them and talk about the pictures.
I have been so impressed with Cambry's reading lately. She does great on her take home readers and now all of a sudden she is starting to read any of the regular children's library books we check out. She is also discovering that she can read signs on the road. So fun!
She has set up the area behind the couch as her secret fort. She has covered the windows in papers - rules, alphabet, drawings, all kinds of school worksheets, etc. The other day she wanted to have a meeting with me in her fort to discuss Lainey's speech therapy progress and goals. Then she decided she wanted to help Lainey work on her yes/no answers (which is one of her ST goals) so she wrote and illustrated a book for her. Each page had a picture of something (butterfly, dog, cat, etc) and asked "Is this a butterfly (etc)? Yes or No?". She is the sweetest big sister.
This boy wants to wrestle all day every day. He does sound effects and will just come at you in an loving-aggressive tackle-hug. He sometimes says hilariously suspicious things like "I'm doing nothing", or randomly in the car "Nobody pooped!". I squatted down to hug him one day and he asked to be held so I held him while squatting. Then he said "Don't hold me like that. Hold me tall." He doesn't exactly understand measurements of time so he is always asking to do something for "a couple more hours". Come on Colton it's time to go. "I play trains a couple more hours". He is so very opinionated and bossy and wants to do everything for himself - turn the car off, push the garage door button, put the lid on his milk, help pour the milk, and on and on and on. Cambry taught him a version of Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, that goes Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Bottoms which he finds hilarious and loves to sing.
Of course when I actually sit down to write a blog post I suddenly forget all the cute stuff they have said lately so that's all I can think of right now!
What has happened to you? No posts for 2 months. Hope it isn't anything serious!
ReplyDeleteI know I was wondering too...