6 plastic cups
1 clip on reading lamp
4 tv dinner tables
2 frisbees
1 vented microwave plate cover
So we had nothing. We have come a long ways in the past months. We now have a kitchen table and chairs, a couch, some throw pillows (a necessity!), a tv stand, a bookcase, and a coffee table on the way. Greg thinks we are done. I keep reminding him we don't have an end table, arm chairs, lamps, wall decor, and there is a bike in the middle of our living room.
So I found this furniture store called Color & Tailor on the corner of Westhiemer and Montrose. Has anyone heard of it? I first learned about them through seeing their advertisements on Craig's list. Should that be a sign? Do reputable companies advertise on Craig's list? But then I got to thinking, if I started up a furniture store and was thinking of ways to get my name out there with inexpensive advertising, Craig's list would be a great way to find young people looking for cheap stuff. So maybe that isn't so horrible. It is a very small store with no convenient parking. They carry 1 of each style, then you choose the fabric you want, and they make it for you in-store in 4 days. And it is VERY cheap. Well, for furniture that is...and I have done a lot of shopping around. They claim on their website to have lifetime warranties, and they use hardwood - not particle board, etc. What is the catch? Should I be scared to buy my furniture there? My mom says I should. I have tried to find reviews online, but have found nothing. I think they have been in business less than a year. But we need some chairs at a low price, and I really like their style, so I am thinking of buying 2 matching arm chairs from there. Does wanting to risk buying suspiciously cheap furniture from a possible sketchy store make me a fool? Or a genius? I think I may do it. Somebody stop me. Or check it out for yourself at www.colorandtailor.com
I just put an update on my blog! Just for you! Oh and the cool blog backgroud is way easy. Just go to pyzam.com and they have all sorts of backgrounds you can choose from and copy/paste HTML into your blog! I love your new blog by the way...makes me laugh every time. Oh and I should have concrete dates on Houston at the beginning of next week!
That is one long comment...maybe I should have written an email! :)
jana, i found you on abby's blog. i think it looks fabulous. definitely examine it all closely, but hey....it seems like they are a new company with great dreams and they're just getting a start...the bedroom furniture looks amazing. hope it works out!
Hey, you already bought a coffee table from an undeniably sketchy 45 store.... what have you got to lose? :P
go for it - it can't be any less shaddy than Gallery Furniture or the Dump...both of which I have used. :-)
I can't wait to see pictures of the entire place put together.
And be happy that was all Greg brought to the wedding...you could be trying to 'coordinate' (ie - find a way to throw up) his stuff with yours. ha ha!
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