I just got a $20 e-gift card to Target with my Swagbucks! I am super excited.
An e-gift card isn't quite as cool as a regular gift card, but hey I'll take it because it was free. I am going to try to avoid paying shipping costs though. A lot of things at Target have free shipping with $50 purchase. So I will either wait until I accumulate more target e-gift cards, or until I can find a free shipping code (if Target does those).
If you want to sign up for Swagbucks to earn points for using their search engine you can read my original post here, or click on my referral link below. They don't require any personal information to sign up.
Happy swagging.
**By the way, I would like to give a big shout out to Wendy to say THANK YOU for letting me know how to fix spacing! For all you perfectionists out there, if you go to the "Edit Html" tab (next to the "Compose" tab that you use to type up your post), you can fix spacing there.
How in the world do you already have enough for that!?!? I am so incredibly jealous! That is amazing! I need more readers!
I'm so impressed that you already got that!!! Way to go!! And thanks for the spacing tip!
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