Has anyone heard of Swagbucks?
I had never heard of it until a few weeks ago.
It is a search engine, powered by google. http://www.swagbucks.com/. The cool thing about it is that you earn "swagbucks" for using it, which you can cash in for prizes. Not all of the prizes are that cool, but they do have gift cards. And they have Target gift cards, which is what I am most excited about.
Are you skeptical? I am. But I caved in and signed up because I read about it on a girl's blog that I stalk and she had already accumulated enough swagbucks to get $100 in Target gift cards. She was doing a giveaway for a $20 Target gift card if you signed up for swagbucks. Swagbucks doesn't ask for any credit card info, so I after a bit of investigating, I decided to do it.
Basically you earn swagbucks in several different ways. First, you earn swagbucks for just using it as your search engine. You can't just search all day long and it give you bucks. It just occasionally pops up with "You have earned a swagbuck". And then you log in to claim it. You also get points for people signing up under you. Basically it is like the Mary Kay of search engines. Every time one of the people you referred gets a swagbuck, so do you, up to 100 swagbucks. You also get swagbucks for buying things online from certain stores. Macy's is one example. So instead of just going to Macys.com and buying something on their site, you first go to swabucks.com, log in, then click on Macy's to take you to their site, and you will get swagbucks for your purchases.
Now you don't accumulate swagbucks very quickly, so it's not like the prizes are just rolling in. I currently only have 10 swagbucks and have been registered with it for about 3 days. A $20 Target gift card takes 220 swagbucks. Yeah. A lot. That could take about 6 months at the rate I am going. But I figure, if I am going to be using a search engine anyway, might as well accumulate swag bucks even if it is at a snail's speed right?
So I have changed our home page from google to swagbucks, and have told Greg to only use swagbucks from now on. It is actually kind of fun when you are doing a search and it pops up and tells you that you have just earned another swagbuck. I get really exited. When Greg is on the computer I ask him every 5 seconds - have you gotten us any more swagbucks yet??
Anyway, you can read more about how it works on their website. Check it out and decide for yourselves whether or not I am getting scammed. But if you do decide it is worth it to sign up and slowly earn swagbucks, then please sign up using my link at the bottom of this post. That way I will get points for referring you. Then you can tell other people about it and get points for referring them. Then eventually you will get to drive the company swagmobile. OK not really. But you may get a gift card.
Good luck swagging!
YOu have told the right person about this... I am a stay at HOME mom after all... you can bet I will be swaggin soon...
I accidentally forgot to register using your link, so i went back and registered scott for your link- but I didn't see anything about you- so i don't know if it worked
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