The Tuesday before Thanksgiving Cambry's school had a special chapel and Thanksgiving feast. The kids sang some cute songs and then each class took turns standing up front and reciting their Bible verse. "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his mercy is everlasting." Psalm 107:1. Cambry has done such a great job learning her verses.

Ashley was in town that day so she got to meet Colton and she walked with me to pick Cambry up from school. It was a short but good visit. Too bad I didn't think to take a picture.
On Wednesday we drove to Waco to spend time with Greg's family. Colton was awake and happy the first 20 minutes of the drive and then slept the rest of the time! We never even had to stop. It was amazing. Lainey was grumpy for a good part of the trip but overall it was a success.
Colton got to meet his aunts and uncles and cousins and great grandmother. The kids had a great time playing together as usual. Hollyn was so sweet with Colton and loved holding him.
This was the best we could do for a family picture.
Colton is Mimi's 11th great grandchild!
Jill brought lots of cute crafts for the kids to do and they were a hit!
They were so sweet to throw a little birthday party for Cambry while we were there. It was complete with Frozen decorations and a Frozen cake. What more could Cambry want? She loved it and enjoyed opening all her gifts.
I have so much to be thankful for this year, and family is at the top of my list!
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