I saw this on another blog and I love the idea. These are our 2015 highlights. I really enjoy looking back on these memories. And it is fun to show my blog to Cambry and talk about the things we have done. Hopefully Lainey and Colton will appreciate this when they get older too.
The Kimmels came to Houston!
I updated our bedroom.

Greg and Cambry went on their first Daddy-Daughter camping trip.

Lainey was the most adorable toddler who made the biggest messes.

I turned Cambry's closet into a play space.
We found out we were expecting baby #3! And that same day found out that my sister was pregnant too!
I felt horribly sick for about 4 months. I ate things like nacho Doritos and tomato soup, I laid on the couch a lot, and I barely took care of our kids.
We found out we were having a boy!!!
We flew to Phoenix to visit the Kimmels. Lauren and I compared our matching baby bumps.
Lainey learned to walk!
Cambry started swim lessons for the first time.
I made it halfway through the pregnancy!
We vacationed with the Mattern family in Red River, New Mexico.
We moved Cambry to a big girl bed and started transforming her room into her and Lainey's shared room.

We vacationed with the Grosses in South Padre Island.
Greg and I went on a babymoon to Austin. It was our first and probably last trip without kids, ha!

Cambry started Preschool.
We finished the girls' shared room and Colton's nursery.
Greg and Cambry went on their second Daddy-Daughter camping trip.
We enjoyed a sweet baby shower from Greg's coworkers.

We visited pumpkin patches, festivals, and enjoyed all the other things fall has to offer.
Greg and I went all out for a Halloween costume party.
We found out I needed to be induced at 38 1/2 weeks! Surprise!
Our nephew, Wesley, was born the day I was induced!
The next day (also Lainey's birthday) Colton Brooks made his debut into the world at a whopping 9 lbs. What a joyful day!
Lainey turned 2!
Colton met his adoring sisters.
We had a fun Halloween.
We snapped some newborn pictures of Colton.
We had professional family pictures taken.
I had so much fun dressing up a baby boy.
We went to Waco for Thanksgiving and Colton met his aunts, uncles, cousins, and great grandma.
We had a birthday party for Cambry at Wonderwild.
Our big girl turned 4!
Colton started smiling.
We had a fun Christmas season going to Christmas parties, Zoo lights, seeing a train display, looking at Christmas lights, and seeing the Christmas show at church. Then we had a wonderful Christmas morning at home with Gigi and Pa.
We went back to Waco and had a great Christmas round 2.

I am so thankful for such a wonderful year. I am excited to see what 2016 holds!
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