Since I have gotten so far behind in blogging, I am going to do a recap of the past couple months through pictures.
Lil Texans
We didn't go to the rodeo this year but the kids did look adorable dressing up for Go Texan day at school. Cambry's school had a fun day where the parents got to come up and join the kids in some activities. Of course Lainey and Colton joined in on the fun too.
Greg and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on March 1. I can't believe it has been 10 years. Weren't we just newlyweds?? We went out to eat for a family dinner. Since we did our Lake Tahoe trip in the fall, we kinda counted that as our big celebration. I'm so thankful for an awesome 10 years with this guy.
We also celebrated my dad's birthday in March.
We went on our semi-annual camping trip to Huntsville State park this spring. We went with the Moores and had a great time. Our kids played well together and we had good adult catch-up time.
Bikes, Parks, and Exercise
After about a year of Greg searching on Craigslist/OfferUp for a bike, he finally ended up finding one on the curb of someone's house with a sign taped to it that said "FREE". He snatched that thing right up and threw it in the back of the van. So I promptly went to Target and bought myself a bike so that we would be all set for family bike rides. Our neighbor had loaned us their bike trailer that they no longer use, which is perfect for Colton and Lainey. The Woodlands has so many great bike trails and we have several playgrounds that are about a mile away that we can ride to. We have been taking advantage of the great weather and enjoying some family bike rides.

We have been going to parks so often lately. With summer right around the corner we have to enjoy every last bit of this nice weather before it becomes unbearable. Cambry has been extremely determined to conquer the monkey bars the past couple months and she has now mastered them. When that girl becomes determined to learn something, she does it! She has taught herself monkey bars, hula hooping (she is amazing, although I like the claim she inherited her hula-hooping skills from me), and now cartwheels. I'm excited to see what she will tackle next.
Also, a few weeks ago Greg and Cambry did a 1 mile fun run for her school.
We went over to my parents house to do some fishing a couple weekends ago. We tried to let the kids fish but it ended up with one kid falling in the water. Cambry was definitely that last one we would have guessed that would have gone in. She went all the way under and it scared her but it was actually really shallow and she was fine and now she laughs about it. Ironically, she fell in minutes after I literally said "This is the least relaxing activity!" With all the kids swinging their rods right by everyones heads and them walking so close to the edge of the lake and getting lines tangled, how is this supposed to be fun?? Haha.
Greg was able to get a bit of time fishing with my dad though and he ended up catching a good fish.
He also got to go fishing with Jameson all day at Fayette and caught a ton of fish.
Greg has also taken the kids fishing recently a couple of times. Colton especially seems to like it.
New Baby on the Block
We celebrated the arrival of our neighbor's baby boy. He is here now - adorable and healthy - and I think Colton is going to be excited to have another boy on the street. I had to dust off my onesie-cake-making skills.
That is about all I can remember from the past couple months. See, this is why I blog because otherwise I forget everything!