Now it is time for season 7. We didn't watch it when it aired because we still hadn't finished season 6. Now we are caught up and ready for more. Bring it Jack.
We don't know anyone who owns season 7 (is it even out yet?), so I came up with a time share plan. It works like this:
Several couples go in together to buy the DVD. 4 couples would be a good amount. If you get too many on the time share then some people have to wait too long to watch the DVD's. If you get too few, then everyone has to pay more. So let's say there are 4 couples (including us) that split the cost of buying Season 7. Then we create a rotational schedule. Whichever couple thinks they can watch the DVD's the fastest, starts out. Now lets not get crazy here, we aren't asking anyone to cram it all in one night and be lazy tv addicts...but I just mean a reasonable amount of time. The first disc (4 episodes) could be finished in about 2 weeks. Yes, it can be done much sooner, but Greg and I like to limit ourselves to watching it on weekends only so it doesn't consume us. Others can do whatever they want, we just don't want to rush anyone. Anyway, after couple #1 finishes disc 1, they pass it on to couple #2. Then couple #2 watches it, then passes it on to couple #3. You get the idea. After everyone has watched the whole season, we sell it on Ebay and split the money. Seamless, right? And maybe there could be penalties if you don't pass the disc along in a timely manner. Such as, you may have to include a batch of brownies or other delicious treat along with the disc if you are late. Our penalties will be paid in cake. Our freezer is always well stocked with cake scraps.
If you would like to sign up for this time share, please let me know!
And it just occurred to me that I used couples in the example. It doesn't have to be couples though. Anyone is welcome :)
Just after I wrote this Greg read it and said...
"That's already been invented. It's called Netflix."
It's different.
Sort of.
Haha, we have season 7...you are more than welcome to borrow it :)
Um - Netflix doesn't have brownie penalties. I like your fee schedule better. :-)
that is hilarious!! WAY different from netflix Greg!!
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