After being inspired by Jenny's post a couple of week's ago, I ordered this One Year Chronological Bible. I had been wanting to read the Bible chronologically for a while, but just haven't gotten around to ordering one. Finally I did, and it arrived today! I paid under $10 for this gently used Chronological Bible, and that includes shipping!
I am not sure how all of the books are going to be ordered, since the exact date of when they were written is not always known. But I know the some of the Psalms will be mixed in throughout different parts of 1 and 2 Samuel, as will the other corresponding passages like those in Kings and Chronicles. Also, in the New Testament you read the different gospel accounts at the same time. Paul's letters are also mixed in with his different missionary journeys written in Acts. I think it will be neat to read the Bible like this and will help me remember and contextualize different accounts in the Bible. It has your reading for each day written together so you are not flipping back and forth between passages. Today I started with Day 1. It was of Genesis, and the creation account. Although most scholars agree that Job was the first book of the Bible written, but it deals with events after creation obviously. The book of Job comes in on Day 5 of the reading schedule. Anyway, I am excited about reading this and getting a chronological picture of the Bible as a whole.
I did this one a few years ago and LOVED it! It made the Bible as a whole just make sense. It was so great!
I'm going through that right now too!
That's awesome! I have also wanted to read a one year Bible and a Chronological Bible and I'm excited to see that there are Bibles that are both. Maybe I'll order one too...
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