(I will have to add her official 2 month photos after we take them this weekend)
Happy two months to my sweet Cambry Paige! She is such a joy to us. Babies are truly a gift from the Lord!
This is what is going on with her at 2 months...
Size: At her check up today she weighed 12 lbs. 12 oz. (93%), head was 15 3/4 in. (81%), and length was 24 1/2 in. (100%). WHOA - long baby!! She wears 0-3 month clothes and is in cloth diapers full time.
Likes: Bath time, car rides, running errands, walks, paci (she is taking it more and more now), being swaddled with one arm out, being rocked to sleep, "airplane" with Daddy (zooming wildly around the house with accompanying noises)
Dislikes: After bath time - for some reason once bath time is over, even when she is dry and warm and dressed she is always cranky, evenings (usually fussy), tummy time
Working On: Tummy time - I find that if I put something under her chest to prop her up a bit she will tolerate tummy time longer. We haven't been doing many bottles lately. It seems to be hit or miss. Sometimes she will take them, sometimes not. Baby bjorn - have used it twice now for grocery shopping and several times for other errands. I have kind of given up on the Maya wrap for now. Maybe I will try again when she is older and I can position her on the hip or facing out.
Sleeping: Not a lot has changed. She usually will go for one 4 hour stretch, then the next is usually 3. And for those who don't have kids, that doesn't mean I am getting 4 hours of sleep the first stretch. 4 hours is the length of time between the start of one feeding to the start of the next. So if she eats at 10:00PM and I can get her to sleep by 10:45 and then I fall asleep by 11:00, I get 3 hours of sleep before her 2:00AM feeding. Which is actually not bad. Just thought I would clear that up because I definitely didn't realize that before I had her! Every now and then she will go for a 6 hour stretch, but that is rare. The whole nursing/burping/diaper changing/re-swaddling/rocking process is still taking a long time. I don't know how, but it usually takes an hour, sometimes even an hour and a half when she is wide awake after eating. She usually is ready to wake up for the day between 7:30 and 8:00. She isn't always hungry then, but will fuss until I get her up. I usually just get her out of her basket, and we sit in bed together and talk :)
Eating: I would say on average she eats about every 2 1/2 hours during the day.
I am loving her precious smiles - they melt my heart, her coos, her softest-in-the-world baby skin, her little thighs with all the creases...basically everything about her!